Better late than never G13AC and other mns strains grow.

Hi guys.
A little update of my 2 G13AC.
We enter the finish line.
Bracts are getting huge.

#1 will finish first...almost all cloudy...7 to 10 days to go.

Resin production is extrême.
Can easily compete with a WW or a modern US strain in that département.
Smell is very sweet...mix of berries and of the paper glue we had when kid.
Not my stuff...but That's just me.

#2 turns into a real beauty.


A few days behind her Sister but ends very fast.
Smell is to die for...piny Afghani + incence...can't wait to sample her.

I will attempt to revege both so won't push them too far to maximise my chances.

Some bracts are getting dark purple hues...I don't think they will turn purple but probably have the potential to with colder temps.
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Oh and in the mycologie store it works well too.
All 6 PFtek jars are colonizing fast.
Should be ready for fruiting within 2 weeks...once they get rhizomorphic, they will be within 2 or 3 days, it goes even faster.
This time I made my own Brown rice flour...seems better than the already made flour I used last time...worth the small effort.

Agar plates also show some growth.
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G13 Hz is almost finished.
She show some light sign of salts toxicity but is on water only from now.
Will have the cut in about 1 week.
Very satisfied with her so far.
She is in a 6l pot in soil


Not pungent but smell super good...subtile sharp lemon smell.

Mkaze is also almost done.

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The 2 champs this morning....
A light dose of N and GO reveg !
Don't want to loose any of these gems.
Buds look killers.

A g13 ibl pack well worth 2000euros if it produces hybrids of this level !

I'm negotiating with my partner in crime thé possibilities to do 2 big plants outdoor this season...Just to see them show their full potential.20240327_105139.jpg

Time for a little smoke report.

G13haze: the big surprise of this grow.
Smell isn't very complex.. lemony on a floral frame but what it has is very nice.
Fx is super clean (very clear no mental confusion) muscle relaxing and long lasting....the fx fades slowly and leave no heaviness.
A must try for all sativa hybrid lovers !

Mkaze: I have a bit of experience with this one but the pheno I pictured was top notch....more on the indica relaxing side than g13haze and the Flav is to dye for....close to Master kush skunk but more fruity with a leather hazy pinch.
First time I grow it on really helped to bring out the flavs.
This just reinforce my opinion that this bred is a sure bet for every growers and will give excellent result...

G13AC2: not a lot of Flav...mostly woody and musky.
Strong sativa fx....immediate and long lasting....but not as clean as the g13haze and it turn couchlocky after the initial high.

G13AC1: @shantibaba Scott we have to talk ! What did you send me ?
I've NEVER smoked a weed that strong. NEVER.
I weight my words when I say that.
I sent a sample to 2 friends who aren't lightweight of them, who was just back from 2 w holidays in Jamaica told me it was the best he ever had and the other one told me ''Julien if I hadn't known it was grown by you I would have though it was laced with synthetics cannabinoids...and this guy smoke 10 joints per day.

The fx is not only super strong it's also unique and beautifull.
It's mostly a body high....not a body stone a body ''high like a Kitte and to the bones''.

The Flav is nice too...a light berry Flav with very nice and complex hazy frame.

Last week a french guy who has been living in calif for 26 years came home.
He brought some samples with him telling me they have the best weed of the world....we tried them...taste very good, a lot of terpene...but the high was nothing special...classical mostly indica hybrid fx.....then I rolled a joint of 13ac1...the guy almost passed out after a few tokes🤣

The only bad side of this bred is that it's fucking sensible to almost everything...they are pest magnets...and fragile.
None of the plant has reveged (first time it happened to me) despite keeping them in high intensity cares.
So i'm pissed of losing them....I which I could have cube them.
Still have seeds of both crossed with a g13haze male...i'm sure there are real gems I them.
Oh and in the myco lab everything worked perfectly!
Here the crop after the 2nd flush....and it's not over!
A friend of my wife took 4g last week end and she tripped very hard.
Now she calls me ''le jardinier des étoiles'' (the gardener of the stars) and I like it !😅


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G13AC1: @shantibaba Scott we have to talk ! What did you send me ?
I've NEVER smoked a weed that strong. NEVER.
I weight my words when I say that.
I sent a sample to 2 friends who aren't lightweight of them, who was just back from 2 w holidays in Jamaica told me it was the best he ever had and the other one told me ''Julien if I hadn't known it was grown by you I would have though it was laced with synthetics cannabinoids...and this guy smoke 10 joints per day.

The fx is not only super strong it's also unique and beautifull.
It's mostly a body high....not a body stone a body ''high like a Kitte and to the bones''.

The Flav is nice too...a light berry Flav with very nice and complex hazy frame.

Last week a french guy who has been living in calif for 26 years came home.
He brought some samples with him telling me they have the best weed of the world....we tried them...taste very good, a lot of terpene...but the high was nothing special...classical mostly indica hybrid fx.....then I rolled a joint of 13ac1...the guy almost passed out after a few tokes🤣
Wow, finding a plant like that is amazing. Sorry to hear you lost her, at least you've got a killer cross with it! Who knows, you could find something even better. ;)

You have me so stoked to finally clone and flower out my G13HzAC. I don't need anything as strong as you found, but It's nice knowing those phenos are in there. What's the saying here, "Let the beans do all the talking"? It sounds like you and your friends heard her loud and clear! 😂 Thanks for the smoke report.