Barrelling on

almost ready to go down to 14l/10d and start the flowering. Just a few more days of vegetative growth to fill up the screen. im still a bit embarrassed by my diy screen. but hey, it may look stupid, but if it works, its not stupid.


cant wait for those flowers!
Awesome thread...standing ovation 👏... The taste of the final product must be TOP... 👌
Barrel looks great so far. That lateral growth is crazy 🤪
Thanks guys! Yeah i can confirm the taste is fantastic! CBD Mango haze (the beast) is the most mellow stuff i have ever smoked. super flavorfull, nice fruity taste and the most clear effect i have ever experienced on any grass - save perhaps gandhi. I have a very smooth tasting herbs that are rich in terpenes.

The genetics of mr Nice combined with organic growing and a hps bulb is TOP!

And when it comes to Ortega, man this herb is something else... Almost puts devil to shame ( Although devil seems to be a bit milder, it has more terpenes ime). One puff of that ortega joint, and thats it man; you are done for the day! i love it.


i wanna thank you all for voting on my pic for BOTM and wanna thank shantibaba and the team for the beans!

Meanwhile the Zumanis and medicine man are growing steadily. Although it seems to me they are a bit slow to fill the screen. I am experimenting this run with gradually shortening the day night cycle and the clock has been on 16/8 for a few weeks now. it definitely slowed down growth significantly and i am noting shorter node distance. - i thought i would have had the first week of flower already but it seems more sensible to let them grow a bit longer to really fill up the screen.

probably best to fill it up a little further before i set the light to 14d/10n

Keep it green!
Hello everyone,

i hope everyone is doing allright, i have been a bit afk on the forum lately. But for a good reason, as last night my first born came into the world at, believe it or not, 04:20! Healthy happy boy!

Now for a quick update on the zumani's, they have been growing a bit slow for my taste, but after a bit of inspectation i have discovered they were under thrip attack. I am certain my diy worm bin is to blame, i will restart the worm bin at some point in the future with only worms and no compost. The thrips are very easily managed by simply adding some orius laevigatus bugs as i have done the last times too. this has been done already. The clock has been dialed down to 14 hours now, so this is day 1 of flower!

For some reason i can't upload pictures to the site at the moment, so i'll do this at some later point.

Keep it green, Sneaky.
Hello everyone,

i hope everyone is doing allright, i have been a bit afk on the forum lately. But for a good reason, as last night my first born came into the world at, believe it or not, 04:20! Healthy happy boy!

Now for a quick update on the zumani's, they have been growing a bit slow for my taste, but after a bit of inspectation i have discovered they were under thrip attack. I am certain my diy worm bin is to blame, i will restart the worm bin at some point in the future with only worms and no compost. The thrips are very easily managed by simply adding some orius laevigatus bugs as i have done the last times too. this has been done already. The clock has been dialed down to 14 hours now, so this is day 1 of flower!

For some reason i can't upload pictures to the site at the moment, so i'll do this at some later point.

Keep it green, Sneaky.

All the best to you and your family :)

So i managed to upload some pics again. Just a real quick snap. I will make us some more pics later, when the plants get a bit more interesting. So far not much to note. The main difference between the med man and the zumani's is that the latter seem to have a quite long petiols.

The plants are looking quite purple and have been growing slowly. In my mind this is due to the 2 hrs shorter light setting and the thrip attack.

The orius bugs are chomping away happily, and the thrips will soon all be eradicated, after which the orius bugs will perish. i should see if i can figure out a way to let them exist in there permanently. They would need pollen of some sort, i think. Maybe bee pollen? maybe another flowering plant? Hanging a flowering plant to the side maybe ?


close up of zumani.


Keep it green, peoples. Soon we will get to see her flower!
The orius bugs are chomping away happily, and the thrips will soon all be eradicated, after which the orius bugs will perish. i should see if i can figure out a way to let them exist in there permanently. They would need pollen of some sort, i think. Maybe bee pollen? maybe another flowering plant? Hanging a flowering plant to the side maybe ?
Nice to hear you're winning the battle.
Hello everyone,

I hope you are all getting more sleep than I am at the moment. : )

everything has been growing quite well here. The light is still on at 14 hrs. So week 1 of flower.

medicine man


zunamis are growing great too.


Thx for watching, Sneaky.