Back in Black

you seem so meticulous lol
Thank you for this btw. You are the first person to ever describe me as such. :D In fact, growing up my mother always got onto me about never paying attention to details. I know there is so much more I could do to dial in, track, and improve my cultivation experience.
Clearly you know a thing or two about being meticulous. Thank you.
Having not tried hydro yet, and only using organic bloom nutes this round I haven't seen the necessity yet. In time I'll get one.

TDS meters only for hydro growing and checking RO water? I was going to buy one. How little I know about growing! Can you I use it to check runoff in my soil containers?

p.s. - there are no longer pictures in any of your threads?
Hello my Mr. Nice Family. 😀 I don't want this thread to turn into one of those which peter away, and everyone wonders what the hell happened. So here is an update.

As embarrassing as this is to type, I've had to postpone my Black Widow thread. I successfully rooted some of my Black Widows, but I transplanted them too early then proceeded to over water and water too frequently whilst putting them under my LED at 100% power. The VPD was also off the charts when getting flipped. It was too much, and they suffered.

They are still alive and will give some bud to test, but won't be anywhere near a propper sampling. I won't upload any photos until I have New clones to showcase. I pruned the mothers earlier this week, so it will be a few weeks more.

I am VERY embarrased about how many mistakes I've made this grow. I haven't given these beans the justice they deserve. Especially being from Shanti directly, I wanted to do better by them. I still have all the mums and pops for my Widows, and all of the trials and tribulations experienced will only serve to make me a better horticulturist. Hopefully. 😂😅

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I apologize about the bumpy road, but we will get to our destination, sticky rows of frosted sativa goodness!

Look for updates in about a month.

Stay safe my friends.
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Hello my Mr. Nice Family. 😀 I don't want this thread to turn into one of those which peter is away, and everyone wonders what the hell happened. So here is an update.

As embarrassing as this is to type, I've had to postpone my Black Widow thread. I successfully rooted some of my Black Widows, but I transplanted them too early then proceeded to over water and water too frequently whilst putting them under my LED at 100% power. The VPD was also off the charts when getting flipped. It was too much, and they suffered.

They are still alive and will give some bud to test, but won't be anywhere near a propper sampling. I won't upload any photos until I have New clones to showcase. I pruned the mothers earlier this week, so it will be a few weeks more.

I am VERY embarrased about how many mistakes I've made this grow. I haven't given these beans the justice they deserve. Especially being from Shanti directly, I wanted to do better by them. I still have all the mums and pops for my Widows, and all of the trials and tribulations experienced will only serve to make me a better horticulturist. Hopefully. 😂😅

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I apologize about the bumpy road, but we will get to our destination, sticky rows of frosted sativa goodness!

Look for updates in about a month.

Stay safey friends.
Don’t apologise @Diesel840 its all experience and learning and you were still game enough to put it up for the world to see. Get back on the bike put some more down.
Don’t apologise @Diesel840 its all experience and learning and you were still game enough to put it up for the world to see. Get back on the bike put some more down.
Thank you so much @Fish ! That meant alot coming from you. I absolutely adore your threads. You do a wonderful job. 😀
I'll get back on that bike, I promise. 😋

I'm amazed at what Shantis genetics can withstand. White Widow was one of the best things I've ever smoked. It shifted my perception of myself and reality. It saved me in a dark time.

Thanks again for the support!
i'm on my third run since august lol

first run failed - light problems fixed by using a different light on second run, with eventual soil problems the same as the second run

second run failed (save for a decent joti afghani male plant, haven't grown this strain yet though) - soil problems fixed. i was letting the plants run out of food based on the label saying comes with fertilizer, now always planting with added fertilizer

third run - better plant health also fixed my cloning problems (glass of water) and i just saw my first pistils since (last grow before these was fall 2022) on three of four ortegas

each road block produced an invaluable night and day change so for once i seem to have things figured out, for now haha. really i have just reverted to my 90's high school method where everything grew like magic lol
We have all been there. We learn best thru our mistakes. Best to make them now and get them behind you. This is a great place for that. The good growers are the ones who persevered, studied, tried different things and put the time in.

"What you are is what you have been. What you'll be is what you do now" -Buddha

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." -M. Angelou

“Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.” Malcolm Gladwell

"Don't care about what others think, because most of them don't even like themselves." - Dan Deluis

each road block produced an invaluable night and day change so for once i seem to have things figured out, for now haha. really i have just reverted to my 90's high school method where everything grew like magic lol
Exactly! If we are humble enough to admit we need mlre to learn, we can improve off of each roadblock or obstacle.

Though I had one herm out of 3 bag seeds. My first grow was the easiest.

The best herb deserves the most attention.
We have all been there. We learn best thru our mistakes. Best to make them now and get them behind you. This is a great place for that. The good growers are the ones who persevered, studied, tried different things and put the time in.

"What you are is what you have been. What you'll be is what you do now" -Buddha

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." -M. Angelou

“Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.” Malcolm Gladwell

"Don't care about what others think, because most of them don't even like themselves." - Dan Deluis

Wonderful quotes, like always Mr. MUSASHI.

Our mistakes are always the best place to learn, if we are open to change and willing to acknowledge our faults and difficiencies
TDS meters only for hydro growing and checking RO water? I was going to buy one. How little I know about growing! Can you I use it to check runoff in my soil containers?
I've recently learned they can be used to check the strength of an aerated compost tea. Makes sense, never occured to me though. Ps. I forgot to answer your question. Yes, one could use it to see total disolved solids in the runnoff. Having lower TDS near the end of flower should help plants get a better fade.