B.C. Growers Hope for Cannabis Act Changes

Canada’s wholesale cannabis market shifting from buyers’ to sellers’

"While the beginning of cannabis legalization in Canada was characterized by a surplus of product, many in the industry now say that trend has been shifting to a shortage in recent months."
Basic supply greater than demand seen almost everywhere I've read about and experienced. IMO, only Az & NM have/are doing it right(but locals can prove me wrong).
Everyone wants no controls over expansion, so the only result is letting demand dictate amount of businesses needed at every level of the chain.
The market dictates price point and # of dispensary's needed.
My stupid State hasn't learned anything from Washington, Oregon, Cali & Colorado.
In my vicinity there are now 5 dispensary's in a 5 mile radius!!! Totally unsustainable, as proven in the other states.
A lot of fault also goes to bad business plans(see 5 dispensary's in 5 mile radius).
In my vicinity there are now 5 dispensary's in a 5 mile radius!!! Totally unsustainable, as proven in the other states.
A lot of fault also goes to bad business plans(see 5 dispensary's in 5 mile radius).

Yes, Skuncle Lenny, definitely unsustainable. Bad business planning, for sure, to set-up shop that close to the competition.

Five dispensaries within a 5 mile radius, is totally insane; unless the plan is to drive the others out of business by a pricing war. If one dispo has deep enough pockets to sustain the losses long enough, until the others finally collapse and go bankrupt.

It's a huge gamble to approach business that way, but some big businesses have beat their competition that way, over time. Amazon being the "prime" example. Not an ethical way of doing business, imo; to "crush" your competition into bankruptcy. Very "cut-throat".
Well depends on how many smokers in the area and prices. If dispensary prices are higher or much higher than street prices, guess where people will shop? I’m amazed at dispensary prices in Illinois and much of it has to do with taxes. People drive an hour to Michigan for the better prices. 5 shops within 5 miles doesn’t seem like a lot when there are many more liquor stores within that same 5 mile area. Many drinkers outnumber smokers by that much? What a sad thing. The other thing is the huge corporate dispensaries are either driving the smaller guys out or buying them out. I no longer shop at dispensaries and really have basically quit smoking after more than 55 years. When I can grow my own then maybe I’ll start again but I live in the Alabama of the North.
Well depends on how many smokers in the area and prices. If dispensary prices are higher or much higher than street prices, guess where people will shop?

Hey BrotherBoris,

Thanks for chiming in. Sorry for the delay on my part, in posting a "timely" reply. You make some great points. They would shop same place as I would, if the quality is comparable, and the price is right.

Yes, you are totally correct about the effect that street prices have on the legal market. I'm guessing a majority of buyers will go to the black market, if its convenient for them; and if the quality ìs relatively equal / comparable to the legal market "quality".

I’m amazed at dispensary prices in Illinois and much of it has to do with taxes. People drive an hour to Michigan for the better prices.

Yes, I can just imagine the tax burden. Wow! Free the weed. Buyers driving an hour away to score a good deal at a steep discount. That could explain why the legal market hasn't expanded to match the number of liquor stores there. Assuming the government isn't artificially limiting / restricting the number of dispensaries that can open within a defined district / market area.

5 shops within 5 miles doesn’t seem like a lot when there are many more liquor stores within that same 5 mile area.

Tbh, it never occurred to me that the weed market in that area is equal to, or greater than the booze market, and warrants an equal number of retail outlets.

I can't say I've ever bought booze from the black market; not that I can remember; but I never went shopping for boot-legged XXX White Lightning Shine, wine or suds; or else I might have found a few good sources.

The black market is thriving, it seems, under the current legal market conditions. If the buyer can find a good product, at a killer deal, from a reliable source, closer to home, than the nearest legal dispensary, they're going to take advantage of the savings and convenience. I would, if I couldn't grow my own.

The ideal situation would be to know and support our local "black market" craft growers; if there's a covert/ safe way to connect with them, and become one of their "regulars". For those who can't grow their own craft weed, for whatever reason. Many can't or won't. If I'm scoring from the black market, regularly, I would prefer to support a true local craft grower, if I could.

Many drinkers outnumber smokers by that much? What a sad thing.

It might be more the case that the new cannabis market is being artificially suppressed by government regulation(s) that make it difficult, if not impossible for investors to open more locations. I imagine that big booze companies are exerted huge pressures on the government to suppress the expansion of the legal weed market.

The other thing is the huge corporate dispensaries are either driving the smaller guys out or buying them out.

Yes, that was where my thinking was going, in a lot of areas, I'm imagining a lot of that goes on. I don't track the market, so I can't speak specifically with "the facts". It just seems like the little guys today, the small players are getting royally shafted by the elite powers that be.

I no longer shop at dispensaries and really have basically quit smoking after more than 55 years.

I routinely avoid those big corporate dispoes as well; but I'm not a huge buyer of anything. I may buy 2 or 3 times a year, at most; tending to stick to the homegrown herb. As long as I can, I will.

When I can grow my own then maybe I’ll start again but I live in the Alabama of the North.

Well, BrotherBoris, I'm wishing you the best for a few preservation seed runs, some day. Would be nice to preserve your collection. Sounds like you have some valuable seeds, worth reproducing. Maybe you'll grow again, especially to complete a small scale preservation project, with the use of tissue culture practice and labs.

One reason why I continue to grow is just the pleasure of the experience itself, but also for health, or medical reasons. I want to be able to grow a lot of high quality medicine, if and when it's needed, without much difficulty or struggle. So, for survival purposes, in a sense. If I know how to grow well, then scaling up the grow will be easier, and less stressful. A sick person can't be stressed out, if healing is their primary objective.

Anyway, I was just sitting here today, thinking about some stuff, and all of a sudden your comment came to mind, ... out of the blue. 😆 A sign or message from my "higher" self (nature) that I have unfinished business, demanding my attention.

Cheers! 👍🏻 FF
Great replies my friend! I loved growing too. It was my passion since early childhood and then when I discovered reefer I turned my attention to growing it. Unfortunately I had uninvited visitors in blue clothes about ten years ago and after that even though charges were later dropped I just don’t want to go through that shit again. Ten years older at my age makes a big difference. But anyway I thoroughly enjoyed reading your replies FF and seeing your beautiful girls elsewhere here…
The Denver cannabis history tells it all and I got to experience it when I would travel around the country on business. Boy did me and my client love traveling to Denver!! Thru the years I saw for myself the huge influx of dispensaries, and then every time I went back after that there was less and less. Again, the usual rubber band supply and demand effect for a new product.
But look around you, so many businesses are going out of business all the time. I feel bad for so many small business owners who open up a shop in the wrong place with the wrong volume, and you see them close within a year or two. I was a businees/marketing major way back in the 80s and know that you have to do a ton of market research to know your potential market before you invest, which makes me surprised that so many of these big investors are going belly up.
I have a dream that one day there will be boutique weed dispensaries Freon the small grow farmers.
I hear a lot of good things in Vermont market.