Aloha Spice Girls, show me your Hawaiian genetics, Mahalo

Skuncle Lenny

'23, '24 COE Winner
30 days ago today I soaked the Spice Girls, chosen due to their Hawaiian heritage. I ❤ Hawaii, so let’s see how these play out.
17 of the 18 germinated and 16 seedlings survived, but I decided to chose the strongest dozen and transplanted to 5 gallon cloth pots.
6 Angel Heart clones share the closet, along with lucky #13 Spice I threw into a 2 gallon pot to see if she’s a late bloomer, in the front left.
I’ve read mix reviews on Spice, so let’s see what this run brings. 🤙 🍍🐠humu
The 12 Spice at 3w veg is looking hardy. 4 Front L=U2
These Hawaiian pedigree plants are growing well and looking pretty 😍
It’s said “ probably one of the most upright self-supporting plants you will ever grow…
So instead of topping 1x like usual, I’m going to let them grow au naturel, sex them and flip ‘em.
There’s 1 runt left, but since there’s just enough room, I’ll let it veg to sex.

“ this is a plant that would win a beauty show if it wore a bikini… Aesthetically she is a tribute to mother nature. Large sprayed out leaves, a thick strong stem and a green color deep and rich…“
Looking forward to approaching bikini weather 😊 🤙
Really interested to see how the Spice & Angel heart work out for you. I have some Angel Heart in the fridge, but have been too timid to try Spice indoors, and our summers here are too short to get anywhere near finished outdoors - perhaps when I get a new greenhouse!
My region too is not conducive for outdoor grow. September/October gets too rainy. I've tried and tired of losing to mold, bugs, critters and potential of nosey neighbors.
From my experience, Spice is a fraction of the size of Angel Heart, and I believe is meant to be.
7 weeks of veg for Spice today so I flipped them and I don't expect any height issues with the 4x4x6 ft tent I moved them to.
Turns out I have 6, not 7 ladies, which works out better for the tent. It's early, but all 6 just might fit, but if not, I have options.
At flip to flower I added fish bone meal, Stonington blend fertilizer, worm castings, Lobster compost and finish top layer with coco coir which I've found helps with watering.
Plants look a little droopy in the pics as I woke them from their daytime sleep to take the shots.
I'm going to wait 10-14 days before taking clones of each.
Interesting looking group of 6, so watching the mature should be inters
1 week into flowering & took clones.
Great plant structure, glad I didn’t top(we’ll see how that sentiment goes).
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The 6 Hawaiian ladies fit nicely right now in a 4x4x6, but I think I’m going to move 2 back inside. 4 ina 4x4 works best.
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It’s funny how the ‘runt’ which is growing bush like, is the most stanky. The only one that has stood out so far.
Aloha 🌺 🤙
I feel like the “glad I didn’t top” has the potential to not age well (as you alluded to lol) 😂. Great grow so far. Looking forward to continuing to follow.
Sausage fingers tonight, and Med Man 😎 let me try again
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Front and back L bud structure. Nice plant structure and look.
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Front and back R.
Tent has developed a fine floral, citrus aroma.
So far, easy peasy. None of them are requiring any change to a normal feeding schedule, which for me is very limited. I only added at the flip and I’ll probably add halfway through which should be next week. I’ll give it a nice topping and update then.
Mahalo 🤙
Sausage fingers tonight, and Med Man 😎 let me try again
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Front and back L bud structure. Nice plant structure and look.
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Front and back R.
Tent has developed a fine floral, citrus aroma.
So far, easy peasy. None of them are requiring any change to a normal feeding schedule, which for me is very limited. I only added at the flip and I’ll probably add halfway through which should be next week. I’ll give it a nice topping and update then.
Mahalo 🤙
Fantastic work! I’m droolin over here 🤤😍
Thanks man. Majority of the credit goes to the genetics of course as I’ve done very little, which is a great sign in itself. I got to say, the plant structure and look is exactly the way Shanti advertises. Really looking forward to the terpenes starting to kick in. Yet another pretty Hawaiian 🌺
7 weeks flowering
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The easy Peezy grow continues as these fat Indica buds just keep growing. Even though the plants aren’t telling me they are hungry for more, now‘s a good time for me to hit them with one last good sprinkle of fish bonemeal. All aromas currently a light skunky sweet
CFE96D0F-464C-4A09-957B-4CD50D4D0709.jpeg 9572F725-6EB9-45FC-A394-5A04576CEAE6.jpeg The 2 other’s in a separate closet show same structure and are a little further along. Still a ways to go so I’ll add some fish bonemeal too. One is candy sweet smelling, the other opposite, a pungent stinky aroma.
The Hawaiian girls are looking great Skunkle Lenny, those protuberances are getting chunky, will maybe need some sort of 'bra' support system lol. Looks to be a nice yielder :love: