A More Plausible ET Related Article

I would guess that with our current level of technology, scientist assume that we would still have energy waste in the form of IR.

I just think of how much power generation incorporates heat.

I found an old steam engine manual once... I really wanted it, but it was at a place, that unfortunately knew it's value... So I stood and read. There were a lot of nuances to milking every possible last drop of thermal energy produced. Then In Korea and Northern China, they have a similar setup with indoor heating, using ducting to distribute it throughout the house, with examples going back into Prehistory.

So I guess my assumption is that these guys know more about radio telescopes than engineering and that any civilization smart enough to get there. Wouldn't be stupid enough to be wasteful. Though, of course, more things in Heaven and Earth and all of that.
If one thinks about it though, the benefit of a Dysen Sphere is to fully utilize the solar rays of the sun. Clearly, one would build the sphere as close to the star as possible. The already insurmountable task of fully encapsulating a sun would be magnified by building it further away which would require a larger Dysen Sphere and subtract from its efficiency per square mile. At a proximity that close there would surely be IR bleeding out from the device. Not to mention the fact that all current technology emits some amount of IR unless properly shielded. Why shield the Dysel Sphere be any different and why would a civilization shield ot from prying eyes? Any civilization which could peoduce a Dysen Sphere would be likely have learned of other similarly advanced civilizations before construction and be far more advanced than the rest rendering the worry of IR mute.

Edit: the energy boost from fully utilizing IR would be negligble compared to the energy already harvested by the sphere.
It just seems like a system that advanced would be tweaked to absorb anything and everything in my mind's eye: is the only answer, that I have. I think about how slime mold around Chernobyl evolved to incorporate radiation. Deep sea vents, where bacteria evolve to harness hydrogen and then an entire ecosystem is supported by them. I guess it just seems like wasted energy and that a civilization smart enough to get that far would have worked out some neat trick, trying to emulate nature, rather than the idea that its something that it was somehow separate from and should therefore conquer. And before you say it: yes I know that entropy is part of any system too. I guess I just think that such a thing might be more like a stealth aircraft than we think is all.