55 vs 62 rh for long term storage


Well-known member
Can’t seem to get any real answers

Is there an option you prefer

I tried the 62 and they seem a bit too moist unless I leave it out overnight

The 55 is great out the jar but seems like the smell and flavors aren’t as good

What is your ideal storage rh especially for the first 2 months

Should I keep it near 62 and then drop it down later for storage?

Trying to maximize the longevity of the flowers


Right now it’s sitting at 56 after 3 weeks in the jar…a little low it appears as most sites say 59-62…I can always remove the boost at whatever rh is best
"Can’t seem to get any real answers"

It is a personal preference. Ask a 1,000 people, get 1,000 answers. What is YOUR preference?

"I tried the 62 and they seem a bit too moist unless I leave it out overnight
The 55 is great out the jar but seems like the smell and flavors aren’t as good"

Your have described the choices absolutely perfectly. Choose one you like. I choose 62 as I prefer a fresh flavor and smell. I do have to set it out before smoking it.

"Should I keep it near 62 and then drop it down later for storage?"

I keep mine at 62 for however many months/years I have it. 1 opinion down, 999 more to go. Most people I know use different rh's and they can all explain why their rh is the best rh! As a betting man, I bet it will come down to this: It is a personal preference. What is YOUR preference?


I didn’t know if there was a SPECIFIC range to maximize long term potency

Maybe I am overthinking it
"I didn’t know if there was a SPECIFIC range to maximize long term potency"

If you do enough searching , you will come up with a range of about 55-66. Pick any number and you will find someone who can tell you why that is the best number. They are not right or wrong, it is the RH they prefer. Each number comes with a small trade-off as you have found.

"Maybe I am overthinking it"

It is a valid question that every grower asks when they wonder what to do for long term storage. I think we all want to store our medicine perfectly! There have been many threads on this subject and we’ve never come to a conclusion of a perfect number RH. Only perfect personal preferences. I chose 62 after my first grow. Not being sure of how to store it perfectly I tried an experiment. Jar A – 55RH. I wet manicured buds. They were perfect looking and beautiful, just like you see in magazines. Jar B – 62RH. Buds were put in jar straight from dried plant. Not a single fan leaf was removed. Jars were stored side by side for 3 months. A friend stopped by and we compared jars. The smells were completely different. Jar A – the trimmed buds had some exposure to oxygen due to being trimmed and had lost some smell and taste when smoking. Even a bit of potency. Pot was no longer sticky. Jar B – need to be trimmed before smoking. After trimming, pot was still sticky and stuck to fingers, scissors, etc. Smelled and tasted much better and was more potent. I was sold on 62. It is perfect – for me.

The trade-off, of course, is the medicine needs to be set out earlier and must be trimmed before smoking. Many people have posted that this is an impossibility, they need to be able to smoke the medicine immediately out of the jar. That is fine, 62 is clearly not the perfect number for them. Whatever your choice, in the end, the amount of work is exactly the same. The medicine must be taken out of the jar and at some point, the buds must be trimmed. When you decide to do this is a personal preference. The amount of work is exactly the same, just done at different times.

After joining this site, I was pleased to learn that I was doing it pretty much the same way as Nevil. Of course, I don’t know what RH he preferred.

“If you chop the plant at the base, and slowly dry the whole plant, it will take at least a couple of days to fully die. In this period the plant uses the remaining sugars. If conditions were humid, I'd remove the fan leaves, but I preferred not to. If the plant is hung upside down, the leaves dry around the bud offering natural protection. When you smoke it, it's still in pristine condition. I just hate it when people manicure wet and smear the resin around and then force dry it. That's just disrespecting the plant. I like to manicure as I'm preparing my joint. It's the natural way.

I hope this long-winded answer helps someone – the short answer is there is no perfect answer for everyone. Whatever RH you like is the perfect RH to store your medicine - for you! 😊

Interesting opinions. I was in a rush and threw some untrimmed buds in a jar (after that plant slowly dried for 10 days at 59-62% humidity). I thought the lazy act may have potentially ruined that jar. I’ve yet to smoke any, will have to trim some up and see how it differs from the portion of that plant I wet trimmed and threw in a different jar!
Interesting opinions. I was in a rush and threw some untrimmed buds in a jar (after that plant slowly dried for 10 days at 59-62% humidity). I thought the lazy act may have potentially ruined that jar. I’ve yet to smoke any, will have to trim some up and see how it differs from the portion of that plant I wet trimmed and threw in a different jar!
How was the difference