2nd time MNS, 1st time Mango Hz


Well-known member
Hi all,

i finally started my next MNS run & i'm thrilled! 🤗
Waited kind of long for this to happen.
The seeds are from an 2021 auction.

Out of 18 already 13 stand up straight.
Digged today for the other 5.
=> one is dead, the other 4 have a taproot and will hopefully make it sooner or later.

Its already packed in the Triangle but i want to add 3 - 5 Mango Haze IBL (fem) seeds which i got from a friend.
The plan is to compare the regular Mango with the IBL and cross these two lines.
Since Mango Hz is a hybrid, i will hunt for 1 or 2 outstanding males (no open pollination).

13x Mango Haze | Date: July 3, 2024
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Good evening,
today all the plants got labeled.
Doing that i wrote a note for those with the trifoliate first pair of leaves.
So far A, E and J have it in a perfect shape.
I, M and O have it too but slightly mutated.
So in total 6 out of 17 have that trait.
For the smallest two i can't really say it yet 100%...


17x Mango Haze 3x Suomi Haze | Date: July 8, 2024

As you can see on the left, i try to germ three Suomi Haze [=Mango Haze IBL Bx3 x Bx3 rev.]

Cu soon!
As promised earlier, some pictures

Trifoliate (first leaves)
View attachment 88605
View attachment 88606

View attachment 88607

A special strain already 🤗

I will count on monday how many plants have this trait.
(Have to get ready for the gig tonight... 🎷🎶 ...busy weekend ahead)

Cu soon!
I had the same thing happen with some Mr Nice Super Silver Haze seeds I bought a couple of months ago. I had it happen with 2 from 10, and after reading how close genetically Super Silver Haze and Mango Haze are it makes sense it would happen to both strains. I don't know yet if mine will be girls but it'll be interesting if they are.
Good luck with those Mango Hazes, I've been looking at them myself just lately 😆✌️
Short Vegupdate


17x Mango Haze 2x Suomi Haze | Date: July 15, 2024

Its not clear yet if the 2nd Suomi Haze will really make it.
One of 3 didn‘t germ at all => -1.
Did some adjustments (cracking and digging) on Suomi_B.
Now lets hope the light pushes her into life.
She didn‘t develop a real tap root yet…


Cu soon!
They really start to grow now 🤗


17x Mango Haze 2x Suomi Haze | Date: July 19, 2024

Suomi Haze_A
| Date: July 19, 2024

Suomi Haze_B | Date: July 19, 2024

Suomi Haze_B
seems to be not dead yet but didn't grow much.
You can just see it with a magnifier...
As I told you before, she didn't really have a taproot developing.
I don't want to dig again.

Besides the IBL issues everthing is going according to plan.

Cu soon!
Crazy, another week just passed.

Picture is already 3 days old 😁
17x Mango Haze 1x Suomi Haze | Date: July 25, 2024

died => so just one IBL plant this round.
I still have 12 seeds left of those, so maybe more in the future.

Unfortunately the flowering tent is still blocked by some Lao Highland Tribe sativas
=> the Mangos have to wait at least 2 weeks.
Maybe i start flowering them already in the small tent.
Besides that i will do the cuttings & repotting soon.

Today i already flipped to 12/12 (will change that in about week to 11/13).
It was a compromise because i'm not at home for the next 4 days.
So i decided they should show their sex in the small pots and i repott them after my short vaction now.
I didn't even have time to do the cuttings yet.
Anyway, it will still be fine if i do all that in a week from now.


17x Mango Haze 1x Suomi Haze | Date: July 29, 2024





I will water them tomorrow morning and adjust the LED (to make sure they don't grow into the light during my absence).

Cu next week!
As promised i did the cuttings today.
Time was not my friend and i only copied 12 plants so far.
On some plants with early female flowers i took two cuttings (better safe then sorry).

Will do the others tomorrow.

Mango Haze Cuttings | Date: August 5, 2024

During the cutting process you already get a good insight which plants are the most funky stinkers in the pool.
One of my favorites so far: MHz_G (Sex is unknown => i hope for a male)
MHz_P is very promising too, again Sex unknown yet.

Many plants have a kind of herb smell.
Safe females are: E, H, J, M, N (my current guess is i get minimum 7 females this round and i still hope for 10)

Cu soon!
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It seems i really got 10 female Mangos 🤗


17x Mango Haze | Date: August 7, 2024

I placed the one Suomi Hz (Mango Hz IBL) in the mothertent for now => she still has to grow a bit.
The tallest in the middle is MHz_K (male) and i think i will kill him soon, he has a little variegation mutation going on.

Will wait a few days more and then the females get a 3,5 L pot.
Btw, it seems MHz_G really is a stinker male!
I was hoping for that one to be a male.


Mango Haze Cuttings | Date: August 7, 2024

Cu soon!
finally, yesterday the females moved into new pots and today they got arranged in the main tent.

I got 11 females and 6 males in total.
Killed 4 males and kept 2.

11x Mango Haze - Mr. Nice Seeds, 1x Lao Highland Tribe_L - Khalifa Genetics | Date: August 14, 2024

The Lao Highland Tribe is a crazy vigorous sativa which unfortunately didn't like the high summer temperatures in my tent.
I give her max 2 to 4 weeks and if she still doesn't produce resin i kill her.
Still have cuttings and will try her again.
The temperatures will be better in the coming weeks.

Today i moved some plants from the motherroom to the male tent.
The females in the Triangle will join the 11 Mangos later (after the Lao is finished).
For now we have a wild mix in here!

2x Mango Haze males (F & G) - Mr. Nice Seeds, 1x Sour Yeti_B - Top Seedcret, 2x Lao Highland Tribe (J & L) - Khalifa Genetics, 1x Bubble Gum_F - Serious Seeds
1x OuTHzACK_A male (Outback Haze x Karel's Haze) - Karel Schelfhout, 1x Suomi Hz (Mango Hz IBL) | Date: August 14, 2024

Btw about the Outback:
I named the Outback Haze cross that i got from Karel (seeds)
OuTHzACK => Outback Thai Hz A & C & K
Karel got Sk#1 & O Hz seeds from Sam round about the same time Nevil did.
His almost 40 year old Motherplant is a Skunk Hz and i named the Haze in it HzK => K for Karel ;)
Karel crossed his mother with a Chemdog OG Fire and that's the Strain Karel's Haze the SSSC sells.
Karel got the Outback Hz cut from Michka Seeliger-Chatelain and she got the cut (or seeds) directly from Nevil.
Since the MNS Forum was the home of Nevil in the past, i thought it might be interesting for you.
I find the Outback Hz project of Nevil very interesting and as far as i know it was one of his latest Hz works (Grail Project).

I made a pedigree map for the cross i have:
I will cross the OuTHzACK_A with the Mango Haze line during this run.
He is a nice stinker boy and has an intense aroma.

Still have 9 OuTHzACK seeds left and will run those in the future.
I'll do a report maybe here at MNS.

Cu soon!
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You certainly peaked my curiosity now Grünhilde.
I will be watching this thread like a 🦅 now.😄
I read about Neville's last projects and I would like to try them at some point, they seem very unique and special.
Saw some great reports already.

Thanks for sharing here!

The Lao Highland Tribe is a crazy vigorous sativa which unfortunately didn't like the high summer temperatures in my tent.
I give her max 2 to 4 weeks and if she still doesn't produce resin i kill her.
Still have cuttings and will try her again.
Hope she still delivers in the end, I had a mango haze recently (#5) who didn't start showing resin until later in flowering and she ended up as one of the best looking females with a strong smell.
I read about Neville's last projects and I would like to try them at some point, they seem very unique and special.
Saw some great reports already.
Yeah i find those projects very interesting too.
Have some of OJD's Nevil gear (like Outback Haze 2 x (NH21 x Mullumbimby Madness), NH21 x Mullumbimby Madness [F2] & Outback Haze 2 x NH23 x Kariba as well).
Can't wait to try all of those and so many more :p

Now back to Mango Haze

Flowering times (11/13):
Mango Haze day 26
All others day 10


11x Mango Haze - Mr. Nice Seeds, 1x Suomi Hz (Mango Hz IBL), 1x Bubble Gum_F - Serious Seeds
1x Sour Yeti_B - Top Seedcret, 2x Lao Highland Tribe (J & L) - Khalifa Genetics | Date: August 24, 2024

Its the first time that i squeezed 16 plants into the 80cm x 80cm tent.
Lets see how this ends!
Interesting to see that some Mangos start to form small buds already while others didn't even get started yet ;)
I guess the longer flowering ones will be my most wanted.
Anyway, right now i love all of them 🥰
They are almost similar in size, only one is about 10cm smaller then the rest.

Now the males:
The pollenproduction is on point, the half open "condoms" and my rough handling (removed many branches and leaves) don't seem to bother them => nice!


2x Mango Haze males (F & G) - Mr. Nice Seeds, 1x OuTHzACK_A male (Outback Haze x Karel's Haze) - Karel Schelfhout | Date: August 24, 2024

Mango Haze_F

Mango Haze_G


Cu soon!