CBD Gandhi

Gandhi once said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” Once again the CBD crew group headed by Shantibaba and the pure science of developing and testing new naturally selected strains has proved to be successful after many years of research.

General Information

Gandhi once said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” Once again the CBD crew group headed by Shantibaba and the pure science of developing and testing new naturally selected strains has proved to be successful after many years of research. CBD crew was the first seed company in the world to bring out a CBD enriched only strain with CBD Therapy back in 2015. After doing several years of selection in large numbers and based solely on the progeny seed of many combinations of parent plants, the crew is excited to isolate and reproduce in large quantities this season’s feminized hemp seed. Saving all the cloning work, it is far easier and more farmer practical to make a feminized hemp seed crop. A feminized version of a breed seed to specification; CBD will be between 8 to 12%, THC will be >0.2%. With a fruity aroma and a strong dense series of flowering clusters it is a wonderful sight to withhold in a flowering field. It will be mainly of interest to those wishing to do extractions of a terpene/cannabinoid nature. CBD concentration on the plants will range mainly between 8 -12% and in all our indoor tests of this seed we did not see any THC value higher than 0.2%. So this will be a good option for late crops in outdoor farms without cloning. Germination and pre-growth can be done in the same tray and directly to ground, so a lot of manual work is an advantage of this new seed strain. We expect that 80 % of the seeds will be densely packed flowers similar to indica type strains and 20% will be similar to the sativa side of the family tree. Expect this strain to be ready to cut after 7 weeks flowering….and to reach 1.5 meters if pre-grown for only a week….happy farming!!!!
Recreational hemp x Industrial selection strain
Exclusive limited editions - New blends of old school genetics
Family Breed
A selection of Industrial hemp strains
Preferred Medium
All mediums but intended for outdoor, directly into the earth.
Expected Yield
500-750 grams per m2
Flowering Period
Expected to be completed in late September early October in the Northern Hemisphere...and March to April in Southern Hemisphere.
plant with at least 40 cm center to center when outdoors in a field...
Special Notes
The intention of making a CBD feminized hemp seed was to aid farmers and all the work related to doing mothers and clones. The amount of work is greatly reduced and the results are equally as good. This seed was worked on at CBD crew and completed at Mr Nice Seedbank due to internal restructuring at CBD crew and its facilities...so Shantibaba selected and produced this seed to aid CBD crew popular demands for now.


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